CSR (December 2022)

For this quarter, the Firm visited sick children in Haemato-oncology Unit under the Pediatrics and Child Health Department at Muhimbili National Hospital on 10th December, 2022.

Ms. Kija Benjamin, (Legal Officer at QnB) oversaw this quarter’s CSR program. The Firm’s goal was to help the hospitalized children who could not afford their hospital bills, by paying and processing their Health Insurance Coverages.

Procedures of obtaining information of the patients and their necessary documents to obtain National Health Insurance Funds (NHIF) cards were followed and the hospital granted our request to process health insurance for ten (10) selected children. Ms. Kija worked hand in hand with the hospital’s Social Workers, Ms. Linda Paul and Ms. Grace to complete the procedures.

On Saturday the 10th of December 2022, all staff members of the Firm arrived at the hospital, Jengo la Watoto, at 10:00am to visit the children. The Social Worker, Ms. Grace, to whom we handed over the receipts of the Insurance Coverages payments as well as gifts bought for the children, walked us through three hospital wards; the Burnt Unit Ward, Cancer Unit Ward and Plastic Anemia Ward. We were able and felt privileged to meet the kids whom we assisted with obtaining their insurance coverages and settling their bills.

Upon completion of the visit, we thanked the hospital management for granting us the opportunity to give back to the community and providing us with full support and co-operation from the start to the end.

Report prepared by:
Ms. Kija Benjamin, Legal Officer

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