Activity: Supporting Pediatrics Care at Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute.

Coordinated by: Neema Masunga, (Legal Officer).


On October 11th, the Firm conducted its third quarter Corporate Social Responsibility activity for the year 2024 by visiting the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute (JKCI), located in Dar es Salaam. The Institute provides specialized cardiac treatment to children and adults with heart conditions.


The purpose of this visit was to provide financial support to a child diagnosed with a heart disease, who had been undergoing medical treatment at the Institute. Our goal was to alleviate some of the financial burden (medical bill) on the family and contribute towards the child’s recovery.

Support Provided

During the visit, the Firm made a monetary donation aimed at covering part of the child’s medical bills. This contribution was part of the Firm’s ongoing commitment to supporting the health and well-being of vulnerable members of the community.

Activities Conducted

  • Welcome Session

We arrived at the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute, where we were welcomed by Dr. Peter Kisenge, the Executive Director of JKCI. Dr Kisenge gave us a brief overview of the services provided by the Institute and shared the financial challenges faced by the institute in general and the challenges faced by individual patients receiving treatment at the institute. Furthermore, the Firm’s Managing Partner had a chance to share our CSR policy with the institute administration, explaining how committed QnB Law is to giving back to the community and ensuring that the community benefits in one way or another from our practice of law.

  • Donation Handover and Group Photo

After the welcoming session and a short but extensive interaction with the Executive Director of the Institute, the Firm’s Managing Partner led the team in handing over the monetary donation to the hospital administration, who would oversee its allocation toward the child’s medical bills. The handover was followed by a group photo session and expressions of thanks from the hospital staff.


The visit to the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute was a meaningful experience, reinforcing the Firm’s commitment to supporting the health sector and contributing to the well-being of children in need. By assisting this young patient and their family, we aim to play a small yet impactful role in ensuring that children with serious health conditions receive the care they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. The Firm looks forward to continuing these efforts in future CSR initiatives.

Prepared by:

Innocent Swai, Legal Officer

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